The “paranormal” community, like any other loosely-knit community, has its unique difficulties. One of the biggest obstacles researchers face is information/data which is poorly researched, lazily investigated, and or sometimes outright faked. If something is seen which is unarguably fake it is of the utmost importance that it be exposed. Allowing fakery to continue not…
I don’t remember the first time I was called a “Weirdo” but that’s probably because I was too busy protecting my body from a flurry of flying fists. Stick and stones may break my bones but names? …well, as a society we’ve actually started to realize that names can hurt you too. Yet, the name…
Four Old-New Ideas for Paranormal Investigations
Over the years I’ve watched as some methods and ideas regarding the investigation of “paranormal” phenomena have risen to the top of the list while others have fallen by the wayside. A lot of the techniques employed by ghost hunters have, without a doubt, been inspired by reality television shows. There are endless experiments and…
Flying Saucers are real… again
I’ll try not to be too long-winded about this. I’ll save the in-depth, speculation and exchange for face-to-face encounters so you’ve been warned. I will discuss this with you… should we meet and you ask. Here’s the briefest of recaps just to catch you up. On Saturday, December 16th The New York Times revealed that…
Fifty-Thousand Dollars for a Ghost
Long before James Randi’s million-dollar psychic challenge, a wealthy South American mining tycoon offered $50,000 for any substantial “proof” of the afterlife. Buying a Ghost Remez de Romaldo was a well-to-do businessman in the early 1900’s and his wife was well-known among the spiritualist communities of that time. When his wife died of typhoid fever,…
You were made by us? Emergents
Emergents: From the Latin Emergere meaning “to bring forth,” “come forth,” “arise out of” Lacking proper definitions and words in paranormal research has always been a hindrance to the investigators and generally interested masses. Words like “ghost”, “poltergeist”, and “apparition” are commonly used but usually only due to the lack of better descriptors. As researchers…
Pages of Strange
Aside from spending my whole life being interested in all and everything weird I’ve also spent as much, or even more, time with comic books. As a nine-year-old “trouble-maker” my parents once took away and burned my stack of comic books believing they were giving me nightmares. My mother can recall to you, in unending…
Broken But Useful
Over the years I’ve experimented with countless and seemingly endless ways to “capture” sounds and voices which in someway might be created in “another” realm. EVP and ITC experiments have and will be conducted by thousands of people around the world everyday and have been ongoing since the creation of devices able to capture sound….
The World’s Most Haunted Location
I am very frequently asked by people, “Where is the most haunted place in the world?” My answer is always the same, “If any place is haunted, it’s the Earth.” Now, although many people think that I am trying to be funny, which I am, I am also being serious. So, let’s try a little…
Discernible Brains
Brains. What big wonderfully strange lumps of goo. Brains are, for sure, filled with things like chemicals and electric sparks but there is only consensus among those scientists who study brains that thoughts are located inside of it, and even some of those scientists disagree. I’m not here to debate whether thoughts, consciousness, etc. exist…