Where, and how, are we supposed to engage with not only the universe but all of its aspects and weirdness? Surrounded by strangeness we are born into a world without, it seems, our personal request. No map is given to us, no rules are handed out by the cosmos. We are taught and shaped by…
Thought Seeds
The End of Doomsday
Welcome to Doomsday. Back in the 1990’s one of my most popular and often requested lectures was on the topic of Doomsday or “End of the World” scenarios. Obviously, as we inched closer to the year 2000 anxiety was running high. The political and social climate was also a perfect storm for collective nail-biting. Just…
Can’t We All Just Take A Ride?
For whatever reasons conversations of UFOs has once again reached a fevered pitch. This has happened many times over the last 70+ years but since many people alive right now aren’t 70+ years old it seems that they are unaware of the cyclical nature of the phenomena. No matter, here we are again Over the…
Open Every Door
Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door. – Emily Dickenson One of the most wonderful things about researching, investigating and even just having a general fascination with anomalistic, paranormal, UFOlogical, cryptozoological phenomena comes from the fact no one really knows anything. Since the fields are open to speculation and imagination we…
The State of the Unusual 2019
Friends, Family, Patrons, Ghost Hunters, Cryptozoologists, Ufologists, Phantologists, Saucerers, Transdimensional Witches, Animated bed sheets, Robosaurians, Were-Worfs, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, Golden Girls, Skeptics, Believers, and Fellow Weirdos. Where we were…are? For those persons living in the past 2018 is approaching but for us it seems to have gone away. 2019 has arrived and it has brought…
Recording your Dreams: Desychronized Sleep Manifestation
Disclaimer:This article is written based upon my personal experiments and in this post, I am not going to go into, at any significant length, the problematic science behind the experiment. I am well aware of when Delta brainwaves are at their greatest amplitude and slowest frequency, (1.5 – 4 Hz), that an electric field is…
The Worst Paranormal Investigators : A Cautionary Tale
The “paranormal” community, like any other loosely-knit community, has its unique difficulties. One of the biggest obstacles researchers face is information/data which is poorly researched, lazily investigated, and or sometimes outright faked. If something is seen which is unarguably fake it is of the utmost importance that it be exposed. Allowing fakery to continue not…
I don’t remember the first time I was called a “Weirdo” but that’s probably because I was too busy protecting my body from a flurry of flying fists. Stick and stones may break my bones but names? …well, as a society we’ve actually started to realize that names can hurt you too. Yet, the name…
Flying Saucers are real… again
I’ll try not to be too long-winded about this. I’ll save the in-depth, speculation and exchange for face-to-face encounters so you’ve been warned. I will discuss this with you… should we meet and you ask. Here’s the briefest of recaps just to catch you up. On Saturday, December 16th The New York Times revealed that…
You were made by us? Emergents
Emergents: From the Latin Emergere meaning “to bring forth,” “come forth,” “arise out of” Lacking proper definitions and words in paranormal research has always been a hindrance to the investigators and generally interested masses. Words like “ghost”, “poltergeist”, and “apparition” are commonly used but usually only due to the lack of better descriptors. As researchers…