Sometimes I just have to get an idea out and this is one I’ve talked about at lectures for years and still have never really seen anyone else talk about it. When discussing “ghosts” I often hear people say, “It’s all in your head” to which I respond, “Right! Everything is in my head!”So let’s…
Author: John Tenney
5 Things to Do in Detroit Once You’re Dead
I’ve seen a lot of lists that discuss places people should go to in and around the Motor City before they die, and it got me thinking about all the amazing places that most people aren’t allowed to see. For reasons we won’t discuss, there can be some pretty heavy security and massive safety issues…
The Traverse City Police & The UFO
Back in 1999 I got an email from a man in Traverse City, Michigan who wanted to know if I had heard about the police chasing a UFO. I hadn’t heard anything so I told him I’d try and find out. The Short version of the short version. To make a long story short, I’ll…
Big Toe and The Whatzit
Every state seems to have its mysterious creatures but where most people only know the “big” names in the cryptid world, (Mothman, Bigfoot, Jersey Devil, etc.), there are also local legends and lore that the residents seem to keep to themselves. Michigan has had its share of Bigfoot sightings, some say we even have a…
Gone Yesterday Hear Today. EVP?
For those researching anomalistic/paranormal phenomena one thing is certain, there is not a lot of certainty. The inherent problems with researching that which is “unknown” is that we are very limited in what we do “know” and how directly related what is “known” to the “unknown” we research. Whew. The Quest Do digital cameras have…
2008 Most Haunted Cities in Michigan
Every year ranks the most haunted cities in Michigan. These rankings are based on news-stories, witness reports and investigations which occur throughout the year. If you have a strange “ghostly” experience feel free to drop an email to john(at) The 2008 Top 10 Haunted Michigan Cities (2007 rankings in parentheses)
Did you ever see that? Transient Environment Phenomena
How often do you drive the same route to work or home? How long have you lived in a certain location? Now, have you, after all that time, over months, years, even decades ever noticed a structure that you’ve never noticed before? Every year I am confronted by dozens upon dozens of individuals who swear…