We Are Nain Rouge are a small but vocal and active group who seek to inform the community about our city’s ancient protector. Like The Nain Rouge we are here to provide understanding and guidance in order to create a better community.

About The Nain Rouge
The beginnings of Detroit’s Nain Rouge are thought by some to originate from the Algonquin creation myths which concern Glooskap who, after creating the Earth and men continued by forming beings, such as fairies and dwarfs. These nature spirits were to act a protectors of certain regions of the country and to ensure that Glooskap’s evil brother Malsum would cause no harm to man, man’s community, or the natural environment. When European missionaries spread throughout Michigan the tribal Gods, and supernatural creatures, were turned into demons and evil spirits in an attempt to vanquish them from memory. Some historians and researchers have also made the case that the telling of tales of a “red devil” may in fact not be supernatural at all but are even more problematic than understood at first glance. The “original” stories told may be cultural folk-tales of the Original inhabitants of North America as described through the lens of European settlers. When seen in this light we can understand just how horrible the idea of blaming problems on the “red devil” actually are.
Things have changed
Detroit now has a yearly “Nain Rouge” festival, the “tricky” little devil has been written about in numerous books and almost everyone around the metro Detroit area has now, at a minimum, “heard about it”. Most commonly brought up, when people discuss The Nain Rouge (Red Dwarf), is a collection of local legends that was printed in 1884. Although this tome contains dozens of different stories three mention The Nain Rouge. In the 1896 book Myths And Legends of Our Own Land by Charles M. Skinner the original tales are retold and a few new ones added to make for more shocking reading. Yet even in Skinner’s imaginings The Nain Rouge is still only a character reacting to situations brought about by others and NOT the creator of the problems people experience. Not surprisingly, most people have never read these original stories by which so much of the modern legend has taken shape. Hopefully by posting these tales people will have a deeper understanding of the legend and perhaps a more informed view of the supernatural history of Detroit.
People all around and in Detroit now believe, incorrectly, that this alleged supernatural creature is one that actually manifests fear and mischief. In reality, the creature is a herald to all upcoming “terrible” events; the original Algonquin-speaking people’s legends see the Nain Rouge as a protector and guardian who stands ever vigilant over the city of Detroit and its residents making sure that all are aware of any future calamity.

Detroit’s hero The Nain Rouge sparks many questions, here you will find some answers!
Who or What is The Nain Rouge?
People will tell you many things about who and or what the Nain Rouge really is but the story is fairly long and complex with multiple cultures rewriting and re-crafting history.
Why does The Nain Rouge do bad things?
Nain does not do bad things and is not a force evil.
The idea that the Nain Rouge is evil or causes evil is a false narrative created by ill-formed hyperbolic individuals who seem to find the repression of Nain Rouge’s true character more beneficial than the actual history of the Nain Rouge. The Nain Rouge’s original charge as herald of bad-tidings has been crafted into a warped version wherein the Nain is actually the cause of the misfortunes. This falsely-fostered story not only does a disservice to our maligned hero but to the city of Detroit, the state of Michigan and our shared history. Nain is NOT the cause of unhappiness but the ancient warning sign that distress may be ahead of us.
Why do people hate The Nain Rouge?
People hate, or hold disdain for, the Nain Rouge mostly because they know only what they’ve heard through one biased channel or another. History is written by the side that wins and so history is in itself biased. As a country settled by Europeans our history books have been influenced, rightly or wrongly, by the writers who mostly cast their own people in a bright light of victory. With time and perspective it becomes clear that much of our history is far more complicated than at first thought. When it comes to history blended with folklore the waters become even muddier. In reality though, the more complicated an issue the more likely it is that people will simply accept the easiest answer; after all who wants to take all the time finding out real history when a created one can be placed on a plate in front of you. It is only partially the fault of the people themselves when the Nain is cast in a dark light; the other, larger fault, comes from those who promote what is incorrect and refuse to accept the truth.
What about The Marche du Nain Rouge?
We agree that Nain Rouge should have a parade but we feel that it should be in honor of The Nain Rouge not to act as a symbolic way to rid the city of its age-old guardian. The Nain has been a resident of Detroit for longer than any of us and the spirit of the Nain will continue long after we’re gone. Let’s all celebrate the centuries old heritage of Detroit by lifting the Nain up as an example of how we can all work together to make our community better. Detroit has a history of standing up for the “little guy” so Nain is a perfect representation of the good we can do as a fully-formed, happy, well-adjusted city. Be like Nain, and watch over our city!
Does any of this Nain Rouge stuff really matter?
Sure the city of Detroit and its citizenry have larger issues than heated debates about The Nain Rouge but our protector is a part of our shared history. Our hero is a force for goodness, kindness and its true nature acts as an example of what we are capable of when we are at our best. The city of Detroit has uncountable wonderful aspects that should be shared with the world to overcome the negativity which has been wrought upon our home for decades. The Nain Rouge is the best part of ourselves. It is a caring ever vigilant hero who creates a safe and loving community. Not many cities have a centuries old guardian and as ours The Nain Rouge reminds of our past, so that we do not repeat mistakes, nurtures our present and guides our future.
How can I help support The Nain Rouge?
To be honest, you’ve already started helping support our hero by learning the truth about The Nain Rouge. Now, if you really want to get active spread the word to all your co-workers, friends and family. How about making some flyers or stickers and passing them around? You can march in protest with us on the day of the Marche du Nain Rouge, please be friendly to the ill-informed you were one of them too, also Nain is a kind protector so it would hope that people would be kind to each other. You can also help support the real Nain Rouge by picking up litter, helping those in need and spending a little time every week to make our city safer, healthier and more vibrant.
How can I learn more about The REAL Nain Rouge?
The following are a list of books, articles and so forth that can help expand your understanding about The Nain Rouge.Where all the European influenced nonsense and misinformation comes from:
- Legends of le Detroit (1884) Marie Caroline Watson Hamlin
- Myths And Legends of Our Own Land (1896) by Charles M. Skinner
The original myths and legends about the spirits who guard our city and state.
- Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children (1917) Mabel Powers
- The Indian Fairy Book From the Original Legends (1869) Cornelius Mathews
- The Indian Fairy Book From the Original Legends (1916) Henry R. Schoolcraft
- Canadian Fairy Tales (1922) Cyrus Macmillan
- Tales of The Little People: Eight Native American Legends of Elves, Dwarves and Fairies (1915) Edward Cornplanter